Adirondack Sheet Metal, Inc.
Since 1997
Our Safety Program was updated and expanded in 2014
1. Thanks to Quad C Project, we were able to do the Following
2. We were also able to update all our Training
Also Updated:
3. Instituted A Review of Accidents and Determine root causes
SAF044_R2_Construction Incident Analysis
4. Safety / Safe Work Procedures
1. Access Ramps and Stairs
2. Asbestos
3. Backfill
4. Cellular Telephone Use
5. Chainsaws
6. Chipping and Jack Hammering
7. Circular Power Saws
8. Circular Saws
9. Concrete Cutting
10. Concrete Grinding
11. Cut-Off Saw
12. Demolition Hammer
13. Drills
14. Electrical and Power Lines
15. Electrical Cords, Plugs and Temporary
16. Electrical
17. Excavations
18. Fall Protection Requirements
19. Flammable Liquids
20. Floor Grinding
22. General Hand Tools
23. Grinders
24. Grinding
25. Guardrails
26. Hammer Drill
27. Handrails
28. Ladders
29. Lifting
30. Lighting
31. Lockout
32. Motor Vehicle Accident
33. Pneumatic Nail Gun
34. Pneumatic Tools
35. Portable Ladders
36. Powder Actuated Tools
38. Refueling of Motor Vehicle
40. Saws
41. Scaffolding